Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (2024)

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Directdamage and Support

Designed for: Raids



This build was last updated on June 28, 2024 and is up to date for the March 19, 2024 patch.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Skill Bar
    • 2.1 Weapon Variants
    • 2.2 Skill Variants
  • 3 Template Code
  • 4 Specializations
  • 5 Equipment
  • 6 Consumables
  • 7 Usage
    • 7.1 Rotation fundamentals
    • 7.2 Rotation example
    • 7.3 Sword/Warhorn Rotation


A quickness-providing catalyst build. In addition to offering strong DPS, it provides ~15 Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (1) Might, permanent Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (2) Fury, ~80% Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (3) Resolution, ~80% Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (4) Protection and ~65% Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (5) Vigor. It will also occasionally provide Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (6) Swiftness when it blasts its lightning field.

The rotation is identical to the DPS build, and the frequent application of Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (7) Quickness makes it fairly reliable. Like any catalyst build, its will struggle if it is unable to reliably generate energy, which can mean that encounters with phases or disruptive mechanics cause the build to underperform.

While it can technically provide Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (8) Aegis from Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (9)Deploy Jade Sphere (Earth), the rigidity of its rotation makes it difficult in practise.

Skill Bar



Weapon Variants

Players who own Secrets of the Obscure can use Sword/Warhorn instead. This provides slightly better boons, but is also slightly lower damage and requires ~20% boon duration. As energy regeneration is also lower, it can be harder to recover from mistakes if Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (10)Lightning Orb is not available.

  • A simple (if suboptimal) swap would be to run Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (11)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Impact and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (12)Rune of Superior Rune of Fireworks instead of Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (13)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Concentration and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (14)Rune of Superior Rune of the Dragonhunter.
  • You should also run Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (15)Elemental Celerity as your elite.

Skill Variants

  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (16)Arcane Blast will provide more burst damage than Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (17)Shattering Ice.
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (18)Conjure Lightning Hammer will be more damage than Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (19)Shattering Ice on large hitboxes.
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (20)Glyph of Elementals is a minor DPS loss if you prefer to avoid conjured weapons, or you think you won't get use out of the second one.
  • Use Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (21)Elemental Celerity if using Sword/Warhorn.

Template Code


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  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (22)Rune of Superior Rune of the Scholar is a tiny DPS loss.



  • or ascended versions



Quickness Catalyst uses the same rotation as Catalyst - Power DPS.

Rotation fundamentals

Catalyst's rotation can be varied quite a lot, so an outline is provided rather than a strict skill usage. The fundamental goal is to cycle through all four elements, activating the Circular Projectile in each element before releasing them all with Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (23)Grand Finale and starting the loop again. Jade Sphere is also used in each element for boons.

Jade Sphere useDuring the loop, you also want to deploy your Jade Sphere once in each element. Each one provides Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (24) Quickness and one other boon upon activation, then pulses additional boons for the duration. You do not regain the energy needed to cast them while one is active, so it's best to cast them in "pairs" as you switch attunements. This creates some gaps in the loop where energy can recharge, and as the most powerful autoattacks are found in Fire and Earth, these attunements are the best choice to stay in. The sphere does the same amount base damage in each element, but thanks to the damage buffs you gain while in Fire and Air, these attunements are higher priority. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (25)Deploy Jade Sphere (Fire) also generates stacks of Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (26)Persisting Flames, and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (27)Relentless Fire and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (28)Shattering Ice will last longer if used while standing in Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (29)Deploy Jade Sphere (Fire) and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (30)Deploy Jade Sphere (Water).

Glyph of Storms useBuild:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (31)Glyph of Storms should be used either in Fire or Air attunement. Optimal use will depend on phase timings as well as hitbox size - Fire favouring small hitboxes and Air favouring large. Given the damage and cooldown, Fire should be the more efficient option, but the rotation lines up somewhat awkwardly compared to using it in Air, so consider the following:

  • A rule of thumb for elementalist is that your last Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (32)Glyph of Storms in each phase should be used in Air, so try to keep an idea of how long you have left when deciding where to use it.
  • As the more powerful option, if you can line Air up with your target gaining Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (33) Exposed this will be greatly beneficial - particularly useful in fractals.
  • If your rotation is not particularly tight, you may be better off just casting Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (34)Glyph of Storms at the earliest possible opportunity, whether you are in Fire or Air.

Fiery Greatsword useWith the Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (35)Whirling Stones trick (see the Earth section below), Earth has the fewest cooldowns to use, and so is the best time to Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (36)Conjure Fiery Greatsword. Summon after using Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (37)Rocky Loop and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (38)Ground Pound (if available) and use Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (39)Firestorm then drop the weapon and continue your rotation. The next time you reach Earth, pick the second Greatsword up and repeat.

FireIn Fire you want to use:

  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (40)Deploy Jade Sphere (Fire)
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (41)Surging Flames
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (42)Flame Wheel
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (43)Triple Sear
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (44)Molten End
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (45)Relentless Fire

WaterIn Water you want to use:

  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (46)Deploy Jade Sphere (Water)
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (47)Rain of Blows
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (48)Icy Coil
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (49)Crashing Font
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (50)Cleansing Typhoon - use if available, but don't delay your attunement swap for it
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (51)Shattering Ice

AirIn Air you want to use:

  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (52)Deploy Jade Sphere (Air)
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (53)Hurricane of Pain
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (54)Crescent Wind
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (55)Shock Blast.

EarthIn Earth you want to use:

  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (56)Deploy Jade Sphere (Earth)
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (57)Whirling Stones - as Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (58)Stonestrike is a powerful autoattack, it is a good idea to delay this until your attunement swap is available, then use Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (59)Whirling Stones and immediately swap (this will not interrupt the cast)
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (60)Rocky Loop
  • Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (61)Ground Pound - use if available, but don't delay your attunement swap for it

Rotation example

While you have opportunities to adjust the element order as needed, in most cases you want your first two attunements to be Fire and Air, followed by Water and lastly Earth. Your choice of starting attunement is largely up to you, but it might be best to base it upon which Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (62)Glyph of Storms you wish to open with.

Opener in Fire

  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (63)Glyph of Storms (optional)
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (64)Deploy Jade Sphere (Fire)
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (65)Flame Wheel
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (66)Relentless Fire
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (67)Molten End
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (68)Triple Sear
  7. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (69)Surging Flames
  8. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (70)Air Attunement


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (71)Crescent Wind
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (72)Shock Blast
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (73)Hurricane of Pain
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (74)Deploy Jade Sphere (Air) once you pass 20 energy (2/3rds of the energy bar) and swap to Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (75) Water Attunement


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (76)Icy Coil
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (77)Deploy Jade Sphere (Water)
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (78)Shattering Ice
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (79)Cleansing Typhoon
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (80)Crashing Font - if available
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (81)Rain of Blows - swap to Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (82) Earth Attunement once the cast begins
  7. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (83)Earth Attunement


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (84)Rocky Loop
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (85)Ground Pound - if available
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (86)Conjure Fiery Greatsword (if available)
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (87)Firestorm - drop Fiery Greastword immediately after the cast
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (88)Stonestrike until you are at full energy and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (89)Relentless Fire is nearly off cooldown
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (90)Deploy Jade Sphere (Earth)
  7. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (91)Whirling Stones - swap to Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (92) Fire Attunement once the cast begins


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (93)Deploy Jade Sphere (Fire)
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (94)Relentless Fire
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (95)Grand Finale
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (96)Molten End
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (97)Triple Sear
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (98)Flame Wheel
  7. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (99)Surging Flames
  8. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (100)Air Attunement
  9. Return to the start of the Air Section

Keep looping between the four elements, following the advice in the Rotation fundamentals section and adjusting as necessary.

Video example

Video example (DPS, using earth elemental)

Sword/Warhorn Rotation

The quickness rotation is almost identical to the DPS one, with the exception that you use Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (101)Water Attunement every loop and add the use of Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (102)Sand Squall. You can also add Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (103)Heat Sync into the fire section if you want more Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (104) Might generation.

Opener in Air

  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (105)Glyph of Storms
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (106)Lightning Orb
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (107)Deploy Jade Sphere (Air)
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (108)Polaric Leap
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (109)Quantum Strike
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (110)Fire Attunement


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (111)Deploy Jade Sphere (Fire)
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (112)Relentless Fire
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (113)Flame Uprising
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (114)Cauterizing Strike
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (115)Wildfire when ready
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (116)Elemental Celerity (if available), followed by
    1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (117)Wildfire
    2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (118)Cauterizing Strike
    3. Otherwise, autoattack until Flame Uprising is available
  7. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (119)Flame Uprising
  8. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (120)Earth Attunement


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (121)Dust Storm
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (122)Sand Squall (if available)
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (123)Earthen Vortex
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (124)Rust Frenzy
  5. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (125)Deploy Jade Sphere (Earth)
  6. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (126)Water Attunement


  1. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (127)Deploy Jade Sphere (Water)
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (128)Tidal Surge if available, otherwise autoattack until Air Attunement is ready
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (129)Air Attunement


  1. Autoattack and use Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (130)Polaric Leap and Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (131)Quantum Strike as they come off cooldown
  2. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (132)Lightning Orb when energy is nearly full
  3. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (133)Cyclone
  4. Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (134)Deploy Jade Sphere (Air)
  5. Return to the start of the Fire Section

Video example

Build:Catalyst - Quickness Support Power DPS (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.