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      • The idea - trade Raid Currency for Mystic Clovers

        in Instanced Group Content

        Posted December 13, 2021

        Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

        I mean... what else did you expect after that initial response in the thread? 🤔

        I expected nothing else. That's what I meant by reliable.😘

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        • The idea - trade Raid Currency for Mystic Clovers

          in Instanced Group Content

          Posted December 13, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

          7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

          It's funny because not only one has nothing to do with the other, but also I don't see any of "those people" lobbying for some reward buffs here, and yet you've eagerly jumped out with some weak provocation in the very first response of the thread 😄

          But if that's something that will help you sleep at night: I'm perfectly fine with current ways of acquiring clovers. You're welcome 😆

          Ah, my Sobx. You are so reliable. 😄

          Hope you are having a most excellent day!

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          • Public-instance Raids and Legendary armor

            in Instanced Group Content

            Posted December 13, 2021

            Any number of things have been added to the game over the last 9 years. People could say "If they wanted it they would have implemented it by now" all the way up to the day it was implemented. And often did.

            One of the most useless, though often repeated, arguments on these forums.

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            • The idea - trade Raid Currency for Mystic Clovers

              in Instanced Group Content

              Posted December 13, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

              1 hour ago, Gregg.3970 said:

              My thoughts too ^^ initially but then asked myself the question why we can buy 2 Mystic Clovers daily from Fractal vendor with Fractal Currency, also gain them from WvW and sPvP repeatable reward tracks so that covers those game modes too, so I guess beggars the question why not Raids?

              That seems reasonable.

              But reasonable never seems to matter if you can shout “if you want the rewards do the content!” in defense of the status quo. 😄

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              • EoD expansion - buy or not to buy

                in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                Posted December 13, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

                "It's only $30" means a person has weighed what they expect to get from the expansion and found it worth $30, but might not find it worth more, and wouldn't be interested if it cost say, $50.

                Others have looked at what's been revealed so far, and don't think it's worth $30, and aren't going to buy it, or have gotten a refund and are careful to let us know as often as possible that they have.

                It's called perceived value.That's how markets work. That's how people make or don't make purchases every day.

                Well, except for the telling everybody about it part.

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                • The idea - trade Raid Currency for Mystic Clovers

                  in Instanced Group Content

                  Posted December 13, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

                  Curious how many "If you want raid rewards you got to do the raids" people will chime in here with "If you want mystic clovers, you got to do the things that give you mystic clovers".

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                • Posted December 13, 2021

                  6 minutes ago, Erich.1783 said:

                  I suspect one reason they will not just say TacO is fine is that, while it is now fine, one day it might not be, and that would create confusion.

                  Probably liability now as well. They don’t want someone suing them if TacO does something bad and a case can be made they endorsed it.

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                  • What's up with constant weapon swapping?

                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                    Posted December 13, 2021

                    14 minutes ago, Ellye.9123 said:

                    Weapon swap would be great if it was about adapting to situations. It isn't though, and my brain is melting from the number of replies pretending that it is.

                    Probably because it depends on the profession and build people play.

                    On daredevil I stay on staff almost exclusively, switching to pistols if I want some breathing room. Same with mirage on axe, only swapping to staff to get some space.

                    On rev I’m constantly swapping both legends and weapons to get access to skills off cooldown.

                    On holo, of course I can’t technically swap, and I’d love to camp forge all the time, but it’s designed to keep swapping in and out of forge.

                    It’s really not so hard and fast one way or the other.

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                    • Mob density is out of control

                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                      Posted December 13, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

                      12 hours ago, vanfrano.1325 said:

                      I noticed this was indeed over the top andespecially annoying in PoF zones. If you can't check your map for five seconds without pretty much always being attacked despite the fact that you've just killed the mobs around you, there's something wrong.

                      Dastardly Forged. They have no honor, I tell you, attacking an enemy whose nose is in a map. Dirty pool, old chap!

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                      • Skyscale collection

                        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                        Posted December 13, 2021

                        5 hours ago, Trepidation Lost.3469 said:

                        but go to x on the map 1000 times is not that.

                        I like that the longer this thread goes, the bigger your number gets. 😄

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                        • Sylvari from Cantha

                          in Lore

                          Posted December 12, 2021

                          Without Ventari’s tablet, wouldn’t another tree still be a servant of Mordremoth? And thusany Sylvari it produced?

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                          • Thief, Deadeye or Daredevil??

                            in Players Helping Players

                            Posted December 11, 2021

                            I’ve had a lot of fun in PVE with d/p deadeye. As long as you’re fighting things that can be blinded you have a lot of survivability. Game play involves a lot of shadowstepping around and knifing down marked targets, reapplying markafter each enemy dies. Feels very shadowstep assassin.

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                            • Mob density is out of control

                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                              Posted December 11, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

                              Thief shadow refuge for when you just don’t want to fight those mobs over a parsnip.

                              Or Mallyx purple circle of doom. Critters curious about your logging melt as they approach, and you can go on with your chop chop uninterrupted.

                              Condi Firebrand circle of flames. Same.


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                              • EoD legendary staff request

                                in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                Posted December 11, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

                                55 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

                                I was considering that, but I think the only profession that really eschews staff is elementalist, and that's because of relatively recent heavy-handed nerfing. Support druids and guardians both usually use staff, necromancer pretty much always has staff on one swap in PvP and in a few PvE builds, and condi mesmer usually uses staff unless it's an exclusively melee mirage.

                                On the other hand, though, if warrior ever gets staff, it'll probably be melee...

                                Yeah, I was thinking the support builds are pretty niche if laid against all playtime for those professions.

                                No idea how much people actually play staff mirage. Axe a so much more effective, I only ever go staff if I’m having real difficulty surviving. But with the popularity of minionmancer, maybe there are a lot of likeminded mirages playing low-risk mode.

                                Another thing to consider is that melee staff designscan look great as caster staffs, but caster staff designs often look silly as melee staffs. So “don’t ask for designs just for a small portion of staff users” is a false reduction. Staves can be designed to look good for all users, rather than just for casters.

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                                • EoD legendary staff request

                                  in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                  Posted December 11, 2021

                                  47 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

                                  It's currently available for black lion statuettes.

                                  Revenant also uses staff for melee, so that's 2/7 professions that use staff. By the metric of how different professions use staff, the fair thing would actually be for roughly a quarter of staff skins, including legendaries, to be designed in a manner that's at least reasonably compatible with melee use.

                                  Next generation, perhaps.

                                  I was thinking, if you shifted percentages based on how much staff actually gets used on various professions, not just how many professionscanuse it, it’d skew even farther in melee staff’s favor.

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                                  • Always the left foot

                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                    Posted December 11, 2021

                                    16 hours ago, vicky.9751 said:

                                    TBH i can see the OP's point..

                                    Every meta event justturns into :stack under a boss and faceroll 1 button. However I don't run the metas unless i need masteries so..... -shrug-

                                    Not entirely.

                                    Plenty of them have “run away from the left foot, okay now run back to the left foot” mechanics. 😄

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                                    • Skyscale collection

                                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                      Posted December 11, 2021

                                      11 hours ago, Trepidation Lost.3469 said:

                                      i got theSkyscale without first acquiring any other mount other than the wvw one.

                                      Well, now I can understand your frustration.

                                      Not why in the world you’d choose to do that, though.

                                      How did you possibly do Skyscale of Fear without a Springer?

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                                      • Mob density is out of control

                                        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                        Posted December 11, 2021

                                        17 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:

                                        Surely peace is the ultimate endgame? Why else do we fight?

                                        I mean, apart from loot and xp, that is.

                                        To establish our legend?

                                        To give Joko something to be smug about?

                                        To give us a few minutes of calm to harvest this rutabaga, dang it!

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                                        • Mob density is out of control

                                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                          Posted December 10, 2021

                                          Mounts do go a long way toward easing this feeling. Also, whenever you pause, look around for rocks or ledges you can get to where mobs can’t.

                                          Lastly, skyscale hover FTW

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                                          • OLD TRADING WINDOW

                                            in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                            Posted December 10, 2021

                                            Maybe just a moment of nostalgia? Like for old LA or the great collapse?

                                            • What's up with constant weapon swapping?

                                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                              Posted December 10, 2021

                                              2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

                                              Technically, you don't have to swap weapons with any profession.

                                              I’m laughing at the idea of a non-holo holosmith.

                                              I know, technically not a weapon swap. The idea just made me laugh.

                                              • PVE legendary armor

                                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                Posted December 10, 2021· Edited by Gibson.4036

                                                13 minutes ago, Ogwom.7940 said:

                                                Too may trolls trolling my posts here. I said what I said. I will leave I suppose since my theory is just so hated amongst so many here. I regret coming back tothe forums lol.

                                                I honestly can't tell who's joking or serious and no one responds back to me about what I said. Can someone let me know what was wrong?

                                                Don’t take it tooseriously. I see you’ve been responding to confused emojis on a few of your posts, but by and large no one is confused. People use it in place of a thumbs down because it’s the only negative emoji we have.

                                                As to your suggestion maybe there’ll be a new path to leggies with strike EOD strike missions… could be. Though it seems a similar crowd will do the challenge strikes as do raids, so not sure that would change much.

                                                Maybe you didn’t get much response because there wasn’t enough in your post to nitpick at for the forum lawyers. So people just emoji and move on.

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                                                • Underwater content?

                                                  in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                  Posted December 9, 2021

                                                  I expect that their metrics show that almost no one makes underwater legendaries.

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                                                  • EoD legendary staff request

                                                    in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                                    Posted December 9, 2021

                                                    From the artist sketch sheet, the top of the new legendary staffis more elaborate and larger, but it looks fairly streamlined like you could still bonk someone with it.

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                                                    • What's up with constant weapon swapping?

                                                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                      Posted December 9, 2021

                                                      I don't think I've seen anyone bring up that swapping is a way to manage a large group of skills.

                                                      In many RPGs you end up with dozens of skills by the time you are max level. The common solution is to give your hot bar several tiers, so you can flip between sets of 10 abilities. Keybinds can range across the entire keyboard.

                                                      GW2 has been designed to give us access to several sets of skills, automatically grouped together by weapon, attunement, kit, or legend. For the most part, I think it works really well.

                                                      There is room, though, for critique when design incentivizes swapping on cooldown. Ideally, I'd prefer to swap as a conscious choice to access something I need in a different set, rather than just proccing some swap effect, or because there's really one great ability in each set and I'm just flipping between the two.

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                                                    Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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                                                    Author information

                                                    Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

                                                    Birthday: 1992-02-16

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                                                    Job: Manufacturing Director

                                                    Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

                                                    Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.