Hattiesburg American from Hattiesburg, Mississippi (2024)

FOUR HATTIESBURG (MISS.) AMERICAN Friday, June 30, 1950 Red Cross Lines Up Emergency Blood Program Calendar Of Social Events and Club Activities y' -i. i distribute blood for use In time' of Louis; George Draughn, RFD ri; Joe Draughn, Petal; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Two children have died. ENDS LIFE OVER EXAM SHEBIN-el-KOM. Egypt a teacher reprimanded young Mah-moud Mohamed Shahln for cheating on an exam.

Shahln left the school, walked to the River Nile and drowned himself. Amber Is a fossil resin coming from coniferous trees now extinct. peace or war. Chairman of the new committee is Dr. Rom Mclntire, who has been SUNDAY, JULY Morning, 10 cloclc to 4 p.m.: J.

W. Murphy, family reunion in the Smith Hulsey home, 61S Duke ave. WASHINGTON, D. C. Bsie changes are being made In the Red Cross National Blood program to tep-up preparations for any national disaster Plans for closer cooperation with fovernment agencies and medical' and health groups have bei an national director of the blood pro gram since it inauguration.

Other GEORGE DRAUGHTS OBSERVE 50TH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. George W. Draughn will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary Sunday, July 2, with open house from 2 to 5 p.m. at their home In Cartervllle community.

Mra. Draughn the former Carrie McCardle, was born In 1882 In Copiah county, Mr Draughn In 1877 In Perry county. They have lived in the vicinity of Hattiesburg since their marriage in 1900. They have 10 children living: Aaron Draughn, Picayune; Mrs. E.

R. Henry, Hex ton, Alec Draughn, RFD Mrs. E. P. Ramsey.

Beaumont J. M. Draughn, Hattiesburg; Car' E. Draughn, Hattiesburg; Mrs. M.

Gary, Belen, Mrs. John Wood, Bay St. members are Charles A. Jane- way, Harvard Medical school, Bjs ton: Dr. I.

8. Ravdin. University of Purse-Making Demonstrated at Mars Hill Club nounced by General George C. Mar shall. Red Ctjss president Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Dr, Charles Doan.

Ohio State uni Under the new plan, in which the versity, Columbus; and Dr. Cart V. Moore, Washington University f' -V iff blood program has been made separate service, nationally-known physicians have been appointed to olrect medical policies, as wen as School of Medicine, Bt. Louis. In behalf of the committee, Gen Southland Florists us w.

mm too raql Phofi 841 Might and HulMayt Phiuw sis or S783 eral Marshall has asked the Secre professional techniques and prac tary of Defense, the chairman of the ft r'- Ji I i tices. Atomic Energy commission, the We Wire Flowers Anywhere Members of Mars Hill Home Demonstration slua were given a demonstration on purse-making by Mrs. Elsie H. Butler in their meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Flint Grantham.

Miss Sue Simmons of the Forrest County Health department spoke on "What You Should Know About the American Cancer Program and I chairman of the National Security Such government agencies as the Defense department, the Atomic Resources board, the administrator Energy commission and the National ot veterans affairs of the Veterans administration, the administrator of Security Resources board have been the Federal eectirity agency, and asked to assist lr planning the pro gram. discussed the causes, prevention and the director of the National Institutes of Hesltn to name their chief The new medlral committee. In its cure of tuberculosis. She also listed Initial statement, emphasised the free services ottered by the depart' ment and urged members to take advantage of tnese services. The education todc concerned medical officers as advisers in the planning and operation of the program.

The American Medical a-ssoclatlon, the American Publis Health association, the American Hospital association, the American Association Mississippi's progress in the hospital Mrs. Housewife: Have you seen the new ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS? Have you seen the new MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHERS? Be sure to see them before you buyl Eure Maytag Company program. Mrs. Grantham, health chairman, led the discussion. Following a business session, members were served an iced drink by the hostess.

Importance of a national blood program to function in time of national disaster. It pointed out that the blood program has ben planned for rapid expansion In case tremendous quantities of blood are needed In a short time. Reserves Continued development and appraisal of new methods of collecting, processing and preserving blood and Its products, the committee stated, eventually should make It possible to "stockpile" as well as of Blood Banks, the American College of Bunreons, the American Society of Clinical Pathologists and, the American Pharmaceutical asso ciation have been requested to designate liaison representatives to cooperate with the Red Cross med CLUB HOUSE OPENED Pictured above is the Interior of the new Petal Community club house, which was formally opened Tuesday night at a Joint meeting of all the civic, literary and garden club of the com 1001 EDWARDS ST. "ADMIRAL" 8AENGEB THEATRE BLDG. "MAYTAG" ical committee.

Baby chicks eat no food or drink no water the first 24 hours or so pf their life. First pepper imported into the United States was landed at Salem, in 1795. munity, (staff photo by Don Colmer) Monday, July t. but will hold Its' and F. C.

Everett. Seminary. Pa next regular meeting July 10. tients who have been dismissed from the hospital include: Mrs. A.

E. Community House Presented to Petal Swan, 420 West Pine st Mrs. S. J. E.

R. advertising manager of The American, left today for McConnell, New Augusta; Gladys 9 SEEN AND HEARD Here and There ABOUT THE CITY Diana Bounds, RFD Mrs. Laura Sweetwater, to attend funeral rervlcea Saturday for his brother, J. Dobson, Purvis; J. Dunn, 314 W.

Lowry, 10 Pc. Bed Room Special! West Fourth Hershel Kelly, Seminary; Mrs. S. T. Outhrle, Mo The new petal Community clubtorney, was guest speaker at the selle; Mrs.

Rhoda lye Eubanks, Beaumont; Mrs. Otho Herrin, RFD A Jolnt dinner meeting Thursday night. Mrs. Mary Ann Lott, daughter, Ramona, and sons, Larry and Randy of Springfield, and Mrs. Lett's house was officially presented Thursday night to members of the club house board of control by Walter i He urged the club members present to use the building for the purpose Mrs.

E. V. Llanos, 412 Rebecca ave Baby Steven Rutland, Collins; fister. Mrs. Cel.

Weston and twin Clinton, donor of the building, for use "on behalf of all the clubs of It was given to serve the public. Own Money Mrs. B. McLemore, RFD Mrs. M.

W. Hamilton, RFD 7: Mrs, Paul daughters, Romona and Wanona of Marlon, Ohio, are visiting the women's father, A. B. Herrod, and other friends and relatives In Hattiesburg. Earl C.

Nobles. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.

Mobleg or RED 3, Hattiesburg, was advanced recently to commlssaryman, third class, while scrying at the Naval Air Station, San Diego, Calif. Ensign Charles W. Stevens, USN, The speaker commended the clubs Petal." Gllmore, 114 Contl st. for building and furnishing the club Members of the board of control house with their own money and are: Mrs. Sam Mcaowan.

presiaeni Dr. Leo R. Miller, head of the MSC not that ot the federal government. of the Cosmopolitan club; Mrs. Ralph Petal lodge No.

616. F. and A. elementary education department, "Nothing la worth having unless it McCoy, president of the Euphula club; Mrs. Lee Praytor, president of will confer the Masters degree at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday at the Masonic is earned, Mr. Aultman declared. 1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie L.

Stevens. 813 Rebecca Is serving "I am happy to come before a the Petal Home and Garden club; will attend a conference at the University of Mississippi July 10-12, for the purpose of preparing standards for accrediting schools in Mississippi and for adjusting standards and with Fighter Squadron 71. one of the 139-so $14.00 i Down whose entire purpose la Mrs. Edgar Cook, president of the Magnolia Garden club; Rev. Sam Navy's newest Jet propelled aircraft units based at the Naval Air Station.

i to do something for the entire community and thlg area. If every EAY TERM 5 Waggoner, pastor of Petal-Harvey teacher certification regulations. Quonset Point, I. lodge hall In Petal. The annual school of instructions has been postponed.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Barr and Mr.

and Mrs. Trov Barr have returned home after vtdtlng Mr. and Mrs. C. E.

Barr and family in Ruston, La, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Jones, 1802 community would meet to think constructively, we wouldn't have anything to fear," he stated.

Hearings in vacation session of chancery court today were conduct WlBIam Loyd Minter, fireman, USN, ton of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mlntcr. RED 6, Hattiesburg.

is B. L. Coulter, superintendent of i I East Forrest Special Consolidated schools. Introduced the speaker. ed before Chancellor Lester Clark and Attorney Kearney Travis.

Out-of-town lawyers in court were J. M. Morse, of poplarville; Bene Dale, serving aboard the destroyer USS Eechteler, which is participating in the annual six-week Naval Reserve Baptist church; ana Mr. uunton, president of the Petal-Harvey Civic club. Rev.

O. E. Allan, retiring pastor of Petal Methodist church, was to have been a member of the board. FurnishlnfS Furnishings for the Interior of the club house were contributed by the above civic, literary and garden clubs of Petal and by the following $2.00 Per Week Mrs. Coulter led the group In the singing of "America" at the beginning of the supper.

Pat Rogers offered the Invocation. Bernard Callender and Toxey Hall, Officers Training Midship Columbia; and Ray Stewart, Pica Edwards st have returned from trip to Charleston and Folly Beach, 8. C. where they visited Mr. Jones' brother, J.

T. Jones and family. The annual Jones family reunion was men Senior-Sophom*ore Pacific Fleet cruise. The cruise began June 17. Mrs.

Hazel McRaney played sever yune. Also present was Miss Louise Oliver of Picayune, Mr. Stewart's secretary. 'O al musical selections during the dinner. Members of the women's Cadet Charles F.

Curry, son of held while they were there. Cadet Forrest M. Stevens la Quali Mrs, C. F. Curry, 505 Elisabeth Individuals and firms: Polk Hardware, dishes; M.

W. Hamilton, large attic fan; Archie Lee, cooking utensils: J. O. Runnels, iced tea fied as a sharpshooter with the M-l Is attending the annual six-week Ninth Air Force ROTO Summer clubs decorated the building for the meeting. The supper was prepared by women of the Petal Methodist church.

Members of the club house build 5 i i rifle on the ROTO range at Fort camp at Wright-Patterson Air Force Bennlng, Oa. Stevens fired 160 out 4 Pc. Bed Room Suite Spring Mattress Two Pillows Spread Small Rug of a possible 210. He Is the husband glasses; Archie Lee, O. Runnels, and B.

T. and W. H. Clearman, a gag range; Belks Department store, two wall lights; Hattiesburg Hardware stores, lavatory; Mrs. W.

H. or Mra. Steven, 102 South Twentieth is a student at the base, Dayton, Ohio. Curry, a candidate for a Bachelor of Architecture degree at Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Is specializing in air installations during the six-week period.

Upon com BIRTHS Records at Methodist hospital list the following births: Mr, and Mrs. James Mills, Greenville, are the parents of a boy weighing six pounds, six ounces, born Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Anoerson, 703 Adeline are the parents of a girl weighing six pounds, 13 ounces, born this morning. University of Mississippi. pletion of training. Cadet Curry Features of the 11 a.m. service will have one year of advanced Air Clinton, lounge and smoking room lights: V-J Milling a walnut speaker'a podium; Petal Water and Sewer system, plumbing connec Sunday in the newly-improved Petal Force ROTO remaining before he ing committee were: Charles Allen, chairman: Pat Rogers, Sam McGow-an and K.

M. Strange. Furnishings committee members were: J. O. Runnels, chairman; E.

E. Blacklldge, L. P. Mulllns, S. O.

Smith and Fletcher Vowell. An open house will be held in the club house from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m.

Sunday, July 9. The Petal-Harvey Civic club will not meet Tuesday, July 4, but will hold its next meeting July 11, in the club house. Presbyterian church have been an BARRON-JONES FURNITURE CO. 202 E. Pine Sidney Barron Ceo.

M. Jones Phone 1 566 tions; United Gas company, gas con nounced by the pulpit supply. Evangelist Howard 8. Williams. They in nections: Paul Morris, Norman Ma- receives his second lieutenant's commission In the Air Force Reserve.

The Optimist club will not meet clude a gospel message by Rev. nasco, Walter Williams, Ralph Mc- Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

Clinton. RFD Charlton D. Hutton, summer assist Orissom, help 1. are the Darents of a eirl weichinsr and Marvin ant to Dr. W.

H. Mcintosh of First seven pounds, 15 ounces, bom today construct banquet tables, at- Presbyterian church, baptizing of several youths and a small child. at south Mississippi infirmary. Bruce Aultman, Hattiesburg observance of the Lord's Supper, and a vocal solo, "The Lord's Pray er," by ten-year-old James Thomas McRaney, with Mrs. T.

M. Hamil ton, accompanist The Sunday school hour is 10 clock. H. L. Nors- Bum worthy la superintendent and Mrs Howard 8.

Williams is teacher of the adult class. Mr. Hutton will give OOO some of the highlights of the lesson for the morning. New officer and directors of the Forrest County chapter, American SATURDAY and MONDAY! Red cross, will be elected at a pub lic meeting Thursday, July 6, it was announced today. The meeting will NOTICE! LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE FOURTH Call for appointment for Saturday, July 1st, that you may be at your best for the Holiday.

Air Conditioned for Your Comfort. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY JULY 3rd and 4th Let us serve you Saturday FORREST BEAUTY SHOP 222 i West Pine St. Complete Beauty Service be at 7:30 p.m. at the Hattiesburg Community center, according to famous George W. Causey, chapter presi dent.

Special entertainment will fol low the brief business session. New patients admitted to Meth odist hospital Include: Mrs. Ray WOE! spon winder, 107 Sixth Mrs. Alene Smith. Wiggins; Mrs.

H. C. Bran non, Sumrall; Mrs. O. Gibson, 407 Miller J.

V. Ball, 815 San VP (P Antonio at; Mrs. F. 8. Murphy.

auirport; Mrs. owe Cooley, Leaf; Mrs. Mlrlan Marble, Purvis: J. D. Guy and Joseph L.

Ouy. 1509 Shorts T-Shlrts Halters Pedal Pushers Slacks Kiver H. D. Moss. 1212 Cherry Mrs.

Henrv Plercy. Seminary: OFF ORE COATS-SUIT Summertime Is Reading Time HATHORN'S presents The following fiction and non-fiction from the New York Times Best Seller list: Jubilee Train Bristow The Cardinal. Robinson The Parasites. Iarr Asch The King's Cavalier Shellabarger World's In Collision Vclikovsky The Grand Alliance. Churchill BLOUSES -SKIRTS Emm suits! Caltex of Calif.

Nylon ur Satin Lastex rsS rTT Norelty Fabrics OFF i Buy One Garment at Regular Price Then Select Another OF EQUAL VALUE for which you pay only For Example: Garment Selected .......7.95 2 Garments 8.95 USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT I I innrmi Seeds of Treason. deToledano and Lasky The Art of Real Happiness. Blanton Mr. Jones, Meet the Master. Failure to Success In Selling.

Roosevelt In Retrospect The Little Princesses ttt Crawford Hathorn's Book and Gift Shop MANS OFF Slips Gowns Pajamas Nylons Cottons Crepes E. Front it Phone 2g4.

Hattiesburg American from Hattiesburg, Mississippi (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.