Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education最新文献_第9页 (2024)

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App Lab: A Powerful JavaScript IDE for Rapid Prototyping of Small Data-backed Web Applications (Abstract Only) App Lab:一个强大的JavaScript IDE,用于小型数据支持的Web应用程序的快速原型(仅限摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3022382

Alice Steinglass, Baker Franke, Sarah Filman

App Lab ( is's rapid-prototyping environment for creating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-powered web applications. It was created as part of a rich set of instructional resources designed for teachers of the new AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) course. Yet, App Lab far exceeds the needs of CSP, and would be an appropriate learning environment for students in any CS0/CS1 class, even at the university level. App Lab gives novice programmers access to capabilities previously reserved for courses that require sophisticated tech setup and knowledge of both front and backend web development, server-side scripting, databases, etc. This demonstration aims to give a brief overview of App Lab and its purpose and then move quickly into demonstrating the more advanced features of App Lab that few people know are even there! The audience should come away with knowledge and access to exemplars that highlight App lab's possibilities, and see some of its richer features in action. Finally we will end with a discussion about how best to integrate App Lab into existing courses. App Lab was developed as part of collaboration between and David Bau (Google), creator of

App Lab (是Code.org的快速原型环境,用于创建HTML, CSS和javascript驱动的web应用程序。它是为新AP计算机科学原理(CSP)课程的教师设计的一套丰富的教学资源的一部分。然而,App Lab远远超出了CSP的需求,对于任何CS0/CS1课程的学生来说都是一个合适的学习环境,即使是大学水平的学生。App Lab让新手程序员能够接触到以前只有那些需要复杂的技术设置和前端和后端web开发、服务器端脚本、数据库等知识的课程才具备的能力。本演示旨在简要介绍App Lab及其用途,然后快速演示App Lab的更高级功能,这些功能甚至很少有人知道!观众应该获得知识,并获得突出App lab可能性的范例,并看到它的一些更丰富的功能。最后,我们将讨论如何最好地将App Lab整合到现有课程中。App Lab是Code.org和David Bau(谷歌)(PencilCode.net创始人)合作开发的。

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Advancing Data Science for Students of All Majors (Abstract Only) 面向所有专业学生的高级数据科学(仅限摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3022362

L. Cassel, Michael A. Posner, D. Dicheva, Don Goelman, H. Topi, Christo Dichev

The use and analysis of large quantities of data have become ubiquitous in nearly every discipline. We began a discussion of the role of data science across disciplines, and the role of computing in data science programs, at SIGCSE 16. The session was well attended and the discussion was valuable. Since then, more work has been done and more people are engaged. This BOF will continue the discussion, including welcoming new voices. We will distribute copies of the report of the NSF sponsored workshop on Data Science education and discuss a new initiative to develop curriculum guidelines for data science programs. This initiative will be in its earliest stages by the time SIGCSE meets, so it will be an excellent opportunity to gather impressions about what are critical considerations for any such curriculum effort. We developed a mailing list from the SIGCSE 16 attendees and will use that list to promote the BOF. The BOF will engage SIGCSE participants who have views on the content and role of courses and programs in data science. In addition to the workshop report, we will describe results from an NSF IUSE grant to develop modules for use in many types of courses. These expect to make access to fundamentals elements of data science available as widely as possible. With these as a starting point, participants in the Birds of a Feather session will explore the emerging field of data science and its relationship to computer science education. Discussions will be hosted at

对大量数据的使用和分析几乎在每个学科中都无处不在。在SIGCSE第16届会议上,我们开始讨论跨学科数据科学的作用,以及计算在数据科学项目中的作用。出席会议的人很多,讨论也很有价值。从那以后,更多的工作完成了,更多的人参与了进来。这次BOF将继续讨论,包括欢迎新的声音。我们将分发NSF赞助的数据科学教育研讨会的报告副本,并讨论为数据科学项目制定课程指南的新倡议。到SIGCSE会议时,这一倡议将处于其早期阶段,因此这将是一个极好的机会,可以收集关于任何此类课程努力的关键考虑因素的印象。我们开发了一个来自SIGCSE 16与会者的邮件列表,并将使用该列表来推广BOF。BOF将邀请对数据科学课程和项目的内容和作用有看法的SIGCSE参与者。除了研讨会报告之外,我们还将描述来自NSF IUSE拨款的结果,该拨款用于开发用于多种类型课程的模块。它们期望尽可能广泛地访问数据科学的基本元素。以这些为起点,“一丘之貉”会议的参与者将探索数据科学的新兴领域及其与计算机科学教育的关系。讨论将在上进行

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Using Scratch and Female Role Models while Storytelling Improves Fifth-Grade Students' Attitudes toward Computing 在讲故事时使用Scratch和女性角色模型可以改善五年级学生对计算机的态度

Raza Zaidi, Isabel Freihofer, G. C. Townsend

Women are underrepresented in the computer science field. In fact, only 15% of bachelor degrees in pure computer science are awarded to women [1]. The literature reveals various reasons for the underrepresentation of women in computing, including lack of role models [2]. An experimental class at DePauw University continued a project to expose fifth-graders to both programming and female role models, in order to change attitudes toward computing -- in particular, the attitudes of both boys and girls to the inclusion of girls in computing activities. The DePauw class visited the children a total of 5 times, administering an attitude scale (CATS [3]) as both a pre-test and post-test instrument. The children learned the programming language, Scratch, and developed two storytelling endings for books they had read in their current English curriculum unit. Pre- and post-test comparisons of the 10 CATS items (Likert-type attitude scale) were obtained using one-tailed t-tests for the 10 paired responses from the 20 children (10 boys and 10 girls). The t-test for item number 7 ("Technology is as difficult for girls as it is for boys.") yielded a p-value of 0.019, which was significant at the .05 level. Since little girls and little boys should think that computing is equally easy and equally difficult for each sex, the results provide one piece of evidence that providing a series of lessons involving Scratch by a team of students with sufficient female role models (4 female students and 4 male) can change children's attitudes toward computing.

女性在计算机科学领域的代表性不足。事实上,只有15%的纯计算机科学学士学位授予了女性。文献揭示了女性在计算机行业代表性不足的各种原因,包括缺乏榜样。德堡大学(DePauw University)的一个实验班继续进行一个项目,让五年级学生接触编程和女性榜样,以改变他们对计算机的态度——尤其是男孩和女孩对将女孩纳入计算机活动的态度。德堡班级共访问儿童5次,使用态度量表(CATS[3])作为前测和后测工具。孩子们学习了编程语言Scratch,并为他们在当前英语课程单元中读过的书设计了两个故事结尾。对20名儿童(10名男孩和10名女孩)的10个配对回答进行单尾t检验,对10个CATS项目(李克特态度量表)的测试前和测试后进行比较。第7项(“技术对女孩和男孩一样难”)的t检验得出的p值为0.019,在0.05水平上具有显著性。由于小女孩和小男孩应该认为计算对男女来说都是同样容易和同样困难的,结果提供了一个证据,即由一组有足够女性榜样的学生(4名女学生和4名男学生)提供一系列涉及Scratch的课程,可以改变孩子们对计算的态度。

引用次数: 9

Cyber Crime Investigators: Pathways from High School to Cybersecurity Careers for First Generation College-Bound Students (Abstract Only) 网络犯罪调查员:第一代大学生从高中到网络安全职业的路径(仅摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3022400

Nicole Simon, Margaret Banford

During summer 2016, John Jay College of Criminal Justice piloted Cyber Crime Investigators -- a 4-week pre-college program that aimed to expand the pipeline of NYC public high school students who enter college ready to pursue a path toward a profession in cybersecurity. The program was designed by a team of educators with expertise in academic skill preparation, college access, career guidance, student learning, and computer science. Using IDEO's Design Thinking for Educators as a learning framework, 42 rising high school seniors engaged in a six-stage process to understand and create solutions for complex problems in cybersecurity. To understand the many real-world applications of cybersecurity, students worked in teams as consultants for Floor Plan, a fictitious non-profit organization (modeled after Housing Works) that provides housing and healthcare services to homeless LGBTQIA teenagers. They employed Design Thinking protocols to develop a cybersecurity plan for the organization, guided by the NSA's First Principles of Cybersecurity. They worked on the challenge daily in "Lab." During this time, they learned technical skills, such as operating a command line and principles of networking, and they practiced other academic skills, such as writing, project planning, and public speaking -- all part of a foundational skill set for college success. They conducted interview and observation research during field trips and speaker visits and presented their final plans at a public competition judged by industry professionals during the program's last week.

2016年夏天,约翰·杰伊刑事司法学院试行了网络犯罪调查——一个为期四周的大学预科项目,旨在扩大纽约市公立高中学生进入大学的渠道,让他们准备好从事网络安全方面的职业。该计划是由一组教育工作者设计的,他们在学术技能准备、大学入学、职业指导、学生学习和计算机科学方面具有专业知识。利用IDEO的教育工作者设计思维作为学习框架,42名即将毕业的高三学生参与了一个六阶段的过程,以理解和创造网络安全复杂问题的解决方案。为了了解网络安全在现实世界中的许多应用,学生们作为Floor Plan的顾问组成团队,Floor Plan是一个虚构的非营利组织(以Housing Works为模型),为无家可归的LGBTQIA青少年提供住房和医疗服务。在NSA网络安全第一原则的指导下,他们采用设计思维协议为该组织制定了网络安全计划。他们每天都在《实验室》中进行挑战。在这段时间里,他们学习了技术技能,比如操作命令行和网络原则,他们还练习了其他学术技能,比如写作、项目规划和公开演讲——这些都是大学成功的基本技能。他们在实地考察和演讲期间进行了采访和观察研究,并在项目的最后一周,在由行业专业人士评判的公开竞赛中展示了他们的最终方案。

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A Study of the Use of a Reflective Activity to Improve Students' Software Design Capabilities 运用反思性活动提高学生软件设计能力的研究

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3017770

John W. Coffey

This paper contains a description of a follow-on to a pilot study in which students performed reflective activities as part of the design process in an advanced programming course. Students produced an initial design for their programs that was due within a week after the program was assigned. Along with their projects, students submitted a document reflecting the final design and an analysis of the changes between them. Requirements for the analysis were made more explicit than those in the pilot study. The format of the document was specified and the task was described to the students as a technical writing activity. Results of the work are reported and a comparison with prior work that did not have a specified structure for the student analysis are described.


引用次数: 9

Testing Across the Curriculum (Abstract Only) 跨课程测试(仅摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3017817

Zachary Kurmas

Many students find testing software as difficult and frustrating as they find writing prose. As with writing, no pedagogy will magically replace the need for plenty of practice. Therefore, we believe students should be required to write tests in as many courses as practical. This workshop will present a survey of tools that instructors can use to incorporate testing into many different courses throughout the curriculum. We will begin with a quick review of JUnit, then present tools such as (1) RSpec (Ruby's unit testing framework, on which many other testing frameworks are based), (2) MIPSUnit (MIPS assembly) (3) DLUnit (digital logic and simulated CPUs), (4) CUnit (Operating Systems and Networking), (5) Jasmine (JavaScript), (6) and Cucumber (which has many uses, including system tests on web applications). See for more details. (Note: This workshop is not designed to teach high-level testing principles such as "what tests do I need?", or "how do I know when I've written enough tests?" Similarly, this workshop will not cover TDD or BDD.)

许多学生发现测试软件和写散文一样困难和令人沮丧。就像写作一样,没有一种教学法能神奇地取代大量练习的需要。因此,我们认为应该要求学生在尽可能多的课程中写测试。本次研讨会将介绍一些工具,教师可以使用这些工具将测试整合到整个课程的许多不同课程中。我们将从JUnit的快速回顾开始,然后介绍工具,如(1)RSpec (Ruby的单元测试框架,基于许多其他测试框架),(2)MIPSUnit (MIPS汇编)(3)DLUnit(数字逻辑和模拟cpu), (4) CUnit(操作系统和网络),(5)Jasmine (JavaScript),(6)和Cucumber(有许多用途,包括web应用程序的系统测试)。详见。(注意:本研讨会的目的不是教授高级的测试原则,例如“我需要什么测试?”,或者“我如何知道我何时编写了足够的测试?”类似地,本研讨会将不涉及TDD或BDD。)

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Choosing Face-to-face or Video-based Instruction in a Mobile App Development Course 在移动应用程序开发课程中选择面对面或基于视频的教学

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3017774

M. Boutell

The face-to-face interaction in a traditional classroom on campus provides many benefits to students: the ability to ask questions and get immediate feedback, external motivation from the instructor and peers to succeed, the joy of interaction, and the ability to work face-to-face with classmates on projects. Meanwhile, video-based, online instruction offers several different benefits: convenience for students due to flexibility in time and place of learning, ease of reviewing materials for mastery, and the ability to work at one's own pace. When given the choice between these two formats, which do students choose? Students enrolled in an upper-level mobile app development course could opt to attend class with face-to-face instruction, to watch videos of the instructor, or to switch between the two formats as they saw fit. Students were given pre- and post-surveys asking them which format they preferred and why. Results indicate that slightly more than half of the students chose the video-based option and that students chose as they did for expected reasons, such as wanting to ask questions in class or wanting the flexibility to watch and re-watch video on demand. More interestingly, results also indicated that students who chose video did not suffer from the dropout and failure rates so commonly reported in the literature, that learning was equally effective using both formats, and that students' expectations of which format they would use were quite different from what they ended up using. However, with a small sample size at one institution, local factors, like scheduling the course during lunchtime, also played a role in students' choices.


引用次数: 4

Analysis of Associations between Motivation and Previous Computer Science Experience, Gender, Ethnicity and Privilege as Observed in a Large Scale Survey of Middle School Students (Abstract Only) 中学生动机与计算机科学经验、性别、种族、特权的关联分析(仅摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3022441

Jeffrey B. Bush, Susan B. Miller

Previous experience correlates to student retention in computer science at the secondary and undergraduate levels, it's impact in middle school is less well understood. Previous research findings from a University of Colorado large scale survey of students' conceptions of computer science have shown that there is a pervasive gender gap in middle school student confidence and interest in computer science. This study conducts a follow up investigation, analyzing data from fall 2014 to spring 2016 (n=6,128), using multiple regression analysis to investigate how student responses to motivational items concerning both confidence and interest vary by gender, previous experience with computer science, minority status, and having a computer at home (a proxy for privilege). Results show statistically significant associations (p<0.001) between the both outcomes (confidence and interest) and each of the four predictors. Gender had the largest association with each outcome. Students with previous experience with computer science also report higher confidence. This is equivalent in size to the higher confidence associated with having a computer at home and twice the higher confidence associated with being non-minority. For interest, previous experience associations were smaller but still significant. These findings imply that previous experience with computer science at the middle school level help to reduce the motivational differences by gender, privilege, and ethnicity.

以前的经验与学生在中学和本科阶段的计算机科学保留率相关,但它对中学的影响却不太清楚。科罗拉多大学先前对学生计算机科学概念的大规模调查结果表明,中学生对计算机科学的信心和兴趣存在普遍的性别差距。本研究进行了后续调查,分析了2014年秋季至2016年春季的数据(n= 6128),使用多元回归分析来调查学生对有关信心和兴趣的激励项目的反应如何因性别、以前的计算机科学经验、少数民族身份和家中是否有计算机(特权的代理)而变化。结果显示两种结果(置信度和兴趣)与四种预测因子之间存在统计学上显著的关联(p<0.001)。性别对每项结果的影响最大。有计算机科学经验的学生也报告了更高的信心。这相当于在家里有一台电脑的人有更高的信心,是非少数民族的两倍。在兴趣方面,以前的经历关联较小,但仍然很重要。这些发现表明,以前在中学阶段学习计算机科学的经验有助于减少性别、特权和种族之间的动机差异。

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Curriculum Design for 'Explorations in Computing' (a New General Education Course at USC) (Abstract Only) “计算机探索”(USC新通识课程)课程设计(仅摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3022395

Saty Raghavachary

Starting Fall 2016, the CS department at USC has begun offering CS100: Explorations in Computing, a brand new General Education (GE) course. The course is only open to non-CS majors (since our CS students go through a CS-specific introductory track that encompasses the CS100 material). The class has 24 students, from a variety of disciplines such as Communications, Business Administration and Theatrical Arts. The course presents a broad overview of computational/algorithmic problem-solving techniques that form the basis of today's digital society. It provides students, a strong foundation for understanding how everyday activities such as web searching, communicating via social media, playing games, booking a ride, etc., work "behind the scenes". The course's intent is to promote computational thinking, as put forth by Jeannette Wing and others. In designing the course, the following aspects were kept in mind: the course is formulated as a GE, for a non-CS audience - so it cannot be heavy on coding; the topics need to involve some form of computational/algorithmic approach; the topics need to have a connection with things that students do with their digital devices (eg. play games, send instant messages, order things..); the topics have to grab the students' attention (keeping in mind that they grew up with tablets, the Web, animated movies and videogames). To that end, the topics are grouped under the following headings: Media Computing, Recreational Math, Algorithmic Art, Social Media and Data.

从2016年秋季开始,南加州大学计算机系开始提供CS100:计算机探索,这是一门全新的通识教育(GE)课程。这门课程只对非计算机科学专业的学生开放(因为我们的计算机科学专业的学生要通过包含CS100材料的特定计算机科学入门课程)。这个班有24名学生,他们来自不同的学科,比如传播学、工商管理和戏剧艺术。本课程介绍了构成当今数字社会基础的计算/算法解决问题技术的广泛概述。它为学生提供了一个坚实的基础,让他们了解诸如网络搜索、通过社交媒体交流、玩游戏、预订乘车等日常活动是如何在“幕后”运作的。这门课程的目的是促进计算思维,就像Jeannette Wing和其他人提出的那样。在设计这门课程时,我们考虑了以下几个方面:这门课程是为非计算机科学观众设计的通用电气课程,所以它不会对编码有太多的要求;主题需要涉及某种形式的计算/算法方法;主题需要与学生使用他们的数字设备所做的事情有关。玩游戏、发即时消息、订购东西……);这些话题必须能吸引学生的注意力(记住,他们是伴随着平板电脑、网络、动画电影和电子游戏长大的)。为此,这些主题分为以下几个标题:媒体计算、娱乐数学、算法艺术、社交媒体和数据。

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Computer Science Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Transfer Programs (Abstract Only) 计算机科学副学士学位转学课程指南(仅摘要)

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

Pub Date : 2017-03-08 DOI: 10.1145/3017680.3022348

Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Cara Tang, Cindy S. Tucker, C. Servin

The ACM Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges (CCECC) is updating the ACM curricular guidance for two-year transfer programs in computer science based on CS2013 with cybersecurity learning outcomes infused throughout. This BOF will provide a platform for two-year and four-year computer science faculty and academic administrators to discuss the newly revised associate-degree transfer guidance. The core task group writing the guidance consists of twelve community college faculty across the United States, led by the ACM CCECC and three task group leaders. The guidance has been informed by input from both two- and four-year educators in two rounds of public review and comment; a BOF, special session, and affiliated workshop at the prior two SIGCSE conferences; and international input at ITiCSE 2016. By SIGCSE 2017 the guidance will be in near-final form. The session will include an overview of the guidance, its relationship to CS2013, and infused cybersecurity. Discussion will center on implementing the guidance in two-year programs, gathering program exemplars, and facilitating transfer with four-year university partners.

ACM社区学院计算教育委员会(CCECC)正在更新ACM基于CS2013的两年制计算机科学转学课程指南,其中贯穿了网络安全学习成果。该BOF将为两年制和四年制计算机科学教师和学术管理人员提供一个平台,讨论新修订的副学士学位转学指导。撰写指南的核心任务小组由美国12名社区学院教师组成,由ACM CCECC和3名任务小组组长领导。该指南是根据两年制和四年制教育工作者在两轮公众审查和评论中提出的意见制定的;在前两次SIGCSE会议上举行BOF、特别会议和附属研讨会;以及ITiCSE 2016的国际投入。到2017年SIGCSE,该指南将接近最终形式。会议将包括指南的概述,它与CS2013的关系,以及注入的网络安全。讨论的重点是在两年制课程中实施指导,收集课程范例,以及促进与四年制大学合作伙伴的转学。

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