PICOT Question and Evidence Based Practice Assessment Answers (2024)


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  • Subject Name : Nursing

PICOT question
PICOT is a framework that has been used by the researchers to formulate a structured question for the research. According to Riva, Malik, Burnie, Endicott and Busse (2012), this format facilitates summarization of research questions which can be used for exploring the impact of a proposed therapy. It has been reported that a PICOT question that is well constructed is helpful in finding the best available evidence for a research (Echevarria amp Walker, 2014). It is an acronym which stands for the following
(P) Population It refers to the subject of the study which is required to be recruited for the research (Riva et al., 2012). It is very important to define a population on which the intervention is required to be responding. This would facilitate the generalization of the patients that will be encountered during actual clinical practice (Riva et al., 2012). Here the population could be selected on the basis of age, complication, geography, demographics or any other specific characteristic (NAU, 2019).
(I) Intervention It refers to the specific treatment that will be applied to the selected population of the research study (Riva et al., 2012). It includes therapy, diagnostic test or management strategy (NAU, 2019).
(C) Comparison It signifies the comparison of the impacts of the treatment between the control group and the treatment group (Riva et al., 2012). The comparison has been done to determine the impacts of a proposed intervention (NAU, 2019).
(O) Outcomes It refers to the impact of the consequences of the proposed intervention on the selected population (Riva et al., 2012).
(T) Time frame It described the timeframe in which the study would be completed and the conclusion can be derived (Riva et al., 2012).
PICOT Question
What are the impacts of music therapy on relieving pain in post-operative patients compared to other pharmacological interventions
Population Post-operative patients
Intervention Music therapy
Comparison Other pharmacological intervention
Outcome Pain relief
Table 1 PICOT Question
Question 2
The databases are used to retrieve the credible evidence which can support the PICOT question (Hartzell, Fineout-Overholt, Hoftetter, amp Ponder, 2015). The two databases that have been selected for the above PICOT question include CINAHL and Medline.
Question 3
The relevant articles have been selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria, PRISMA, using Boolean operators and specific keywords related to the PICOT question. Inclusion criteria have been defined as those characteristics must be available in the articles in the context of formulated PICOT question (Porzsolt, Wiedemann, Becker amp Rhoads, 2018). If these characteristics will be present in the article it can be incorporated in the research study. The Exclusion criteria are those characteristics which are not present in the articles and facilitate disqualification of irrelevant articles (Porzsolt et al., 2018).
Boolean operators are the words that have been used to connect the search terms systematically (Prince Georges Community College, 2018). The Boolean operators have been used to search the most relevant data by reducing the irrelevant studies in which the keywords or search terms are present but in a completely different context. The Boolean operators are AND, OR and NOT (Prince Georges Community College, 2018). In the study, Boolean operators have been used to find the articles in which pain management has been done on post-operative patients followed PACU.
Use of keywords for retrieval of best available evidence to support PICOT question is considered as one of the most significant strategy (Siddiqi amp Sharan, 2015). Use of simple keywords helps in digging the databases and unlocking the desired evidence from the large collection of related articles (Siddiqi amp Sharan, 2015). It is an easy and convenient method for searching the evidence (Siddiqi amp Sharan, 2015).
PRISMA stands for preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis is a technique that has been used for the selection of relevant information sources for a research study (Moher et al., 2015). It facilitates the effective selection of the relevant articles from the vast collection of related evidence (Moher et al., 2015). It helps in reduction of duplication reduces efforts in collecting relevant information that is required to support the PICOT question (Moher et al., 2015).
Search Strategy
Database selected (CINAHL)
Inclusion Criteria
Articles that are published in the English language
The articles in which the impacts of music therapy has been analyzed on relieving pain
Articles that are published after 2010
Articles in which music therapy has been applied to post-operative patients
Exclusion Criteria
Articles that are not published in the English language
The articles in which the impact of music therapy is not studies
The articles that are not recent (before 2010)
Case studies and the studies that have not been carried out on post operative patients
Boolean Operators
Boolean Operators and the combination of Keywords
Pain management AND music therapy
Music Therapy AND postoperative pain management
Post-anesthesia care unit AND music therapy
Music therapy OR pharmacological intervention
Non pharmacological intervention OR pharmacological intervention
Post-anesthesia care unit AND pain management
Music therapy NOT medicinal therapy
Additional records identified through other sources(n 10 )
Records identified through CINAHL and Medline(n 100 )


Records after duplicates removed (n 70)


Records screened(n 70 )

Records excluded(n 40 )

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility(n 30 )

Full-text articles excluded(n 24 )


Studies included in qualitative (n 6)

Echevarria, I. M., amp Walker, S. (2014). To make your case, start with a PICOT question.Nursing, 44(2), 18-19.
Hartzell, T. A., Fineout-Overholt, E., Hoftetter, S., amp Ponder, E. (2015). Finding relevant evidence to answer clinical question. Netherlands Wolters Kluwer(3rd edition).
Moher, D., Shamseer, L., Clarke, M., Ghersi, D., Liberati, A., Petticrew, M., ... amp Stewart, L. A. (2015). Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement.Systematic Reviews,4(1), 1.
NAU. (2019). Evidence based practice. Retrieved from https//libraryguides.nau.edu/c.phpg665927ampp4682772Porzsolt, F., Wiedemann, F., Becker, S. I., amp Rhoads, C. J. (2018). Inclusion and exclusion criteria and the problem of describing hom*ogeneity of study populations in clinical trials.BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 1-3.
Prince Georges Community College. (2018). Library amp learning resources. Retrieved from https//pgcc.libguides.com/c.phpg665887ampp4683227Riva, J. J., Malik, K. M., Burnie, S. J., Endicott, A. R., amp Busse, J. W. (2012). What is your research question An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians.The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association,56(3), 167.
Siddiqi, S., amp Sharan, A. (2015). Keyword and keyphrase extraction techniques A literature review.International Journal of Computer Applications,109(2).

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.